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Digital Economy Blue Print: Powering Kenya's Transformation

dc.contributor.authorMinistry of Information Communication and Technology
dc.description.abstractThis Blueprint seeks to provide a conceptual framework adopted by Kenya in its quest towards the realisation of a successful and sustainable digital economy. It commences with a brief overview of the digital economy ecosystem, then proceeds to evaluate some of the currently held definition of the digital economy by relying on a much broader concept. The Blueprint defines the digital economy as “the entirety of sectors that operate using digitally-enabled communications and networks leveraging internet, mobile and other technologies” irrespective of industry. The document proceeds to highlight the importance of investing in a digital economy, where some valuable statistics are provided on the relative value of global investments in mobile services systems mainly within financial markets, e-commerce platforms, among others. Adoption of the Digital Economy framework offers countries like Kenya opportunities to leapfrog and join nations in the First World and actively contribute to the global economy.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDell, Intel, Cisco, Oracle, Huawei, Safaricom, Telkom Kenya, Techminds, Nailab, Financial Sector Deepening, Kenya Association of Manufacturers, Technology Service Providers of Kenya (TESPOK) and Kenya Education Network (KENET).en_US
dc.publisherGovernment of Kenyaen_US
dc.subjectDigital Economy;en_US
dc.subjectDigital Economy Ecosystem;en_US
dc.subjectDigitally enabled Communicationen_US
dc.titleDigital Economy Blue Print: Powering Kenya's Transformationen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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