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CAK Decision On the Proposed Sale and Purchase of Ashton Apparel Export Processing Zone Limited & Nava Apparels L.L.C-FZ

dc.contributor.authorCompetition Authority of Kenya
dc.description.abstractThe Competition Authority of Kenya has approved the proposed acquisition of the entire assets of Mombasa Apparel (EPZ) by Nava Apparels L.L.C-FZ on condition that the acquirer retains all the target’s 4,478 employees on terms that are no less favorable than their current terms of employment subject to the individual employees accepting the acquirer’s retention of employment.en_US
dc.publisherCompetition Authority of Kenyaen_US
dc.subjectAshton apparelen_US
dc.subjectNava apparelen_US
dc.titleCAK Decision On the Proposed Sale and Purchase of Ashton Apparel Export Processing Zone Limited & Nava Apparels L.L.C-FZen_US

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