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Market Inquiry of the Seed Industry in Kenya

dc.contributor.authorCompetition Authority of Kenya
dc.contributor.authorKenya Markets Trust
dc.description.abstractThe study covered the main crop growing regions of the country. Following consultations with CAK and KMT, it was agreed that the inquiry focuses on only four crops that are important for the country’s food security, in particular those grown predominantly by smallholders who often experience serious challenges in accessing good quality seeds. The selected crops were maize, beans, sorghum and cow peas. The main criteria/indicators used in the inquiry were divided into five categories as follows: i) research and development; ii) industry competitiveness; iii) support services for smallholders; iv) seed policies and regulations; and, v) general business environment. Respondents included industry regulators, associations, seed producers/breeders, and agro dealers. The latter, due to their large numbers, were selected on the basis of a ‘proportionate to population size’ sampling approach. The study methodology did not require direct interviews with farmers since the focus was on assessment of indicators that favor/hinder competition in seed supply. The sections that follow give a summary of the main findings for the criteria/indicator categories listed above, conclusions and recommendations.en_US
dc.subjectSeed Industryen_US
dc.subjectMarket Inquiryen_US
dc.titleMarket Inquiry of the Seed Industry in Kenyaen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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