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Kenya Consumer Protection in Digital Finance Survey

dc.contributor.authorCompetition Authority of Kenya
dc.contributor.authorInnovations for Poverty Action
dc.description.abstractIPA has collaborated with the Competition Authority of Kenya to conduct a survey on key themes in consumer protection, including Fraud and loss of money, Complaints handling and redress, Pricing transparency and consumer choice and borrowing behavior. Survey responses identify which issues may be of greater or less concern, to inform future policy actions.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipBill & Melinda Gates Foundationen_US
dc.publisherInnovations for Poverty Action and Competition Authority of Kenyaen_US
dc.subjectDigital Finance Surveyen_US
dc.subjectConsumer Protectionen_US
dc.titleKenya Consumer Protection in Digital Finance Surveyen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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